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Open Call - Participate in ‘What is a space of a line’? Answers on a postcard exhibition


Sometimes you can say more by saying less. Artists often suggest that an intentional reduction of visual information actually increases a work of art’s impact, one such reduction is dimension. Answers on a postcard is an open call for you to engage imaginatively with the question and within the confines of a postcard’s limited space.

The project looks to connect two well-known idioms ‘Drop me a line’, which suggests an informal invitation for an informal note that should not require much effort, and ‘answers on a postcard’ which implies a brief answer or opinion. Allied with the supposition that a line is a mark that spans its distance between two points taking any form along its way, answers on a postcard asks: what is a space of a line?

Submissions should include date, location, and your email.

Medium: Any! Please only send original work, not scans or digital copies.

Deadline: Sept 15th 2017

Send to: Postcard exhibition, School of Design, University of Leeds. Leeds. UK. LS2 9JT

Submissions will only be accepted via post.

Work cannot be returned to the artist. At the end of the exhibition, the original pieces will be collected into a bound portfolio to remain in the collection of the School of Design archive.