LAND2 Texts
Contained Histories
Iain Biggs and David Walker-Barker
From Blacker Hill to Boltsburn
David Walker Barker
Between Carterhaugh and Tamshiel Rig: a borderline episode
transcribed, compiled and edited by Iain Biggs
Wild Things
Iain Biggs
The Glass Curtain: Bridges from Ethnography to Art
Katharina Eisch-Angus
Eight Lost Songs
Iain Biggs
Winter Growing Fields: Landscape and Estrangement
Andrew Langford
So Near [a conversation] So Far
Iain Biggs looks at the work of Deborah Gardner, Jane Millar and Andrea Thoma
Ruth Jones
In Search of a Hidden Landscape
David Walker-Barker and Chris Rawson-Tetley. Artworks at Killhope, the North of England Lead Mining Museum, Upper Weardale, County Durham
LAND2 at the Royal West of England Academy, Summer 2005
An Abundance of Metaphorical Diversity, Tricha Passes
Performance on an edge
Dan Shipsides describes his practice.
Preoccupations and contexts 'after landscape'
lain Biggs and Judith Tucker
The Homeland of Pictures
Reflections on Van Gogh's Place Memories, Griselda Pollock
Beyond Landscape?
David Hill
Contained Histories: Taxonomy of the intemporal
Chris Rawson-Tetley
Judith Tucker : Resort (ii)
Monica Bohm - Duchen
Between the professional and the personal
Iain Biggs
Taking Time
Lily Markiewicz
Lydia Bauman: The Poetic Image in the Field of the Uncanny
Griselda Pollock